No strings attached.

Not sure if hosted telephony will work for you? 

Try it before you buy it with our no strings attached, 14-day free trial.


  • Try up to 5 licenses to see how you and your team use it.
  • Use the app or access it through Voice Over IP.
  • Have a standard handset on your desk.*


Our dedicated team will have you up and running in no time. If you decide you don’t like it, no worries, no hard feelings.

Digital Phone Line Myths and Facts.

By 2025, we will be living in an all-IP world. This means that all communications will be delivered through the internet. For some business owners, this change can sound like a scary prospect; this is mainly due to digital phone line myths and uncertainties. In this blog post, we are going to dispel some of those myths and give you the facts about digital phone lines.

Digital Phone Line Myth 1. My phone calls will sound worse over a digital line.

This is not true! In fact, your calls sound better over a digital line because the calls are transmitted using IP packets. These packets are able to travel much faster than traditional copper wires, which means that your call will have less chance of being interrupted or breaking up. This is because digital signals are less susceptible to interference and static.

Myth 2. Digital phone lines are not as reliable as traditional phone lines.

Digital Phone line Myths number 2, false!


In fact, digital phone lines are much more reliable than traditional copper wire phone lines because they are not as susceptible to interference. Digital phone lines are actually more resilient because they run across multiple data centres, therefore, should one of them fail, traffic automatically switches to another one, ensuring that your calls and services continue uninterrupted.

Myth 3. I won't be able to keep my current phone number if I switch to a digital phone line.

In most cases, you will be able to keep your current phone number when you switch to a digital phone line. This is because there is an agreement in place between the majority of providers that allows the smooth ‘porting’ of numbers and this is overseen by the industry regulator, Ofcom.

You can also have your number on multiple devices meaning, customers can ring your business number and you can answer from anywhere you have access to the internet.

Myth 4. I will need to upgrade my internet connection to use a digital phone line.

Not necessarily. While it is true that you will need an internet connection to use a digital phone line, you may not need to upgrade your current internet connection or increase the bandwidth. Simply check with your service provider to see if your current internet speed is sufficient for using a digital phone line.

Digital Phone Line Myth 5. My business will have to buy all new phones when we switch to a digital line.

This is also not true! If your current business phones are quite new you may find that they are already IP-compatible with a digital line. However, if your handsets aren’t compatible you will need to purchase new IP handsets. Sloane Curtis Solutions will be able to tell you if your phones are IP compatible and if not, which are the best options for new ones for your business.

Myth 6. My business will have to switch to a VoIP phone system when we switch to a digital line.

This digital phone line myth is not necessarily true. While many businesses do choose to switch to a VoIP phone system when they switch to a digital line, it is not required. You can continue to use your traditional phone system if you prefer as long as it’s IP compatible and used in conjunction with a SIP Trunk.

Myth 7. Digital phone lines are only for businesses with large budgets.

Digital phone line myths number 7, false! There are digital phone lines and services available for businesses of all sizes and budgets. Cost saving is one of the advantages of using digital lines and IP handsets; they are very cost-effective to run and, are easily scalable; meaning you can grow or shrink your service as and when your business needs to without additional costs.

Myth 8. To move to an all-IP world is expensive and unnecessary.

Making the switch to an all-IP world is actually very affordable, and very necessary. This is because the current ISDN lines are no longer able to keep up with technology and functionality resulting in them being phased out and obsolete by 2025. Digital lines come with a lot of benefits, and you’ll also have increased flexibility when it comes to adding lines or making changes to your service.

Myth 9. You need special equipment to use a digital line.

You may need to update your software, but in most cases, you can continue using the same equipment you’ve been using for your analogue or ISDN lines as long as they are IP compatible.

Digital Phone Line Myth 10. It's going to be an upheaval moving my existing phone system.

It’s actually very straightforward. Plus, with the right planning, integrating your voice and data networks is easy. If you currently have separate voice and data networks, you can bring them together (as long as your network has enough bandwidth).


Additionally, if you decide to move to a hosted service, all you need to do is essentially plug an IP-compatible phone into the network and you’re ready to go!

Myth 11. It’s difficult to get help setting up and using a digital line.

With digital phone lines being modern technology, there are plenty of resources available to help you get set up and use them. Your service provider will be able to offer support and there are many online forums and guides that can assist you.

Myth 12. Switching to a digital line will mean having to completely re-train your staff.

Yes – there may be some training for your staff. You may need to update your software and therefore want to provide some training on the new features and capabilities of your digital line, but in most cases, your staff will be able to use them with minimal training.

Myth 13. It sounds complicated!

Digital phone lines are designed to be user-friendly. In most cases, all you need is a broadband internet connection, sufficient bandwidth, and compatible IP phone handsets. And if you ever have any problems, there are plenty of support resources available and telecom providers on hand to help.

Myth 14. I won't get as much functionality as I do with my current on-premises system.

This is certainly not the case! The fact is a cloud-based system can give you all the same functionality as an on-premises system. Both of these system options will run off of a new all-IP digital line. Both will ensure that you are able to have enhanced functions and capabilities as well as integrate your phone system with your business applications. You can also access full remote working solutions; this means you can have your business number on multiple devices so customers can reach you and you can answer from anywhere you have access to the internet.

Myth 15. As the calls are over the internet - is it safe and secure?

As long as your internal network is secure, then your phone network will be too. Calls are as safe and secure as any other internet traffic. Your business will have a private and secure network for making and receiving VoIP calls. In terms of physical safety, the new all-IP network is actually more robust and reliable than the current PSTN network (which your digital lines will replace).

So, there we have it! Digital phone line myths dispelled! Hopefully, this has helped to clear up any confusion and you can see that the move from ISDN to IP is not as daunting as it may first seem! If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our team of experts who will be more than happy to help answer any more questions you may have or help you make the change from ISDN to IP.

Sloane Curtis Solutions - Digital Phone Line Myths