Small Business Phones Hertfordshire?
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Not sure if hosted telephony will work for you?
Try it before you buy it with our no strings attached, 14-day free trial.
Our dedicated team will have you up and running in no time. If you decide you don’t like it, no worries, no hard feelings.
Experience is everything & we've got it in spades. Best tech, best people. Sorted.
From your account manager to the onsite technician our support is second to none.
The evolution of the working environment heralds a sea change in telecoms.
Sloane Curtis was born out of a desire to deliver telecom services that not only hit the mark technologically, but also put the customer first.
Telecom companies don’t have the best reputation when it comes to customer service, so we decided to change that.
Our team comprises technology specialists and highly experienced customer service practitioners.
Our style is to understand your existing situation and ascertain where we can provide efficiency gains specifically geared to your business. This means that we offer a consultative approach to ensure you transform to the solution that fits your business.
We are industry leading with our engineering know-how and delivery because of the calibre of our workforce – experienced, highly trained and motivated people who will work with, and as an extension to, your own team to ensure the ideal implementation for your environment.
We understand that the best way of being successful is to retain our clients. Therefore we strive to have a supremely high staff and client retention rate and we do this by delivering on our promises by giving the highest level of advice and support. We see on-going staff training and accreditation as the key to ensuring the confidence and satisfaction of our team which in turn extends to our clients.
The countdown is on for the 2027 BT switch off. Is your company ready? It’s essential to start planning now to ensure that your business can still operate without any interruptions.
With less than two years to go, our team of expert consultants are on hand to guide you through the process of getting ready for the switch off – and with our unrivalled partnerships with world-leading technologists, there’s nobody better to handle your needs than Sloane Curtis Solutions.
We offer the widest level of services from multiple network providers and equipment manufacturers to enable us to provide the perfect solution for your unique environment
By running on servers across multiple data-centres we are able to ensure business continuity
We supply top-end systems for the enterprise users, mid-range systems and the budget based systems
Sloane Curtis have a wide array of solutions to cater for this ‘new world’ thinking.
We are now proud providers of CCTV and Door Entry systems, to keep your premises secure and your people safe.
If you want encryption, scoring of agents or playback through your CRM, we are the people to talk to
Sloane Curtis Solutions offers a comprehensive range of telecoms services for companies of all sizes. Whether you need 1 handset or 1000, hosted or located on your premises, we’ve got a solution that will work for you.
IT Management
Cloud Computing
Software Developer
Sloane Curtis is registered with Ofcom, the UK’s regulatory body and offers the widest telephony solutions available today
With our offices in Hertfordshire and Warrington, we are ideally located to offer national coverage within the UK. Sloane Curtis offers a full range of telecoms related services backed by proactive customer service and expert project management.
With our offices in Hertfordshire and Warrington, we are ideally located to offer national coverage within the UK. Sloane Curtis offers a full range of telecoms related services backed by proactive customer service and expert project management.
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Sloane Curtis Solutions
You type in ‘small business phones Hertfordshire’ and wait for Google to work its magic and serve up…
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